It is time to set new goals and achieve them.

We all have dreams!
We all have goals and dreams. Some are wilder than others, while some are more practical. We have dreams and goals for our personal and professional lives. We all want to set goals that are the right fit in order to reach our full potential and align with our values.
Whatever your dreams or goals are, they are simply perfect for you. They are perfect for you if they make you feel excited and happy, if they make you look forward to the future. They are right for you if they give you hope and make you feel powerful and strong when you think about them, even if you can already imagine them happening. Through my experience as a life coach, I have encountered numerous individuals, and while coaching them, I have observed that the foundation of wanting something lies in the belief that it will bring happiness once achieved.
It's almost like pure love—a creation at the core, serving the greater purpose of self-empowerment and overall well-being. It's that burning desire that might awaken you with excitement during the night.
When your dreams are turning into nightmares

But what if thinking about your dreams and desires makes you feel down, bad, and underachieved? What if thinking about your goals, instead of empowering you, puts you in a place of despair and total separation from your goal self? What if thinking about your goals gives you anxiety because there are many obstacles or your goal is far in the future?
You feel like you are here, and your goal and dream self and life are there, and there is a big gap between where you are now and the dream version of yourself. And what if that makes you feel even worse, as most of the time it brings more negative than positive feelings and causes you too much stress?
Unfortunately, this is the case for many people out there, where their dreams and hopes only exist in their heads and cannot see daylight.
Where did things go wrong?

Now, let's go back to the beginning, when the seed of your dream was developing. Try to remember the gradual process or sudden enlightenment you experienced when you realized that this is what you want. How did it make you feel? Did you feel excited and full of hope? Did you feel empowered and ready to conquer the world? Can you envision yourself living your dream right now? How does it feel to do so?
Now, imagine combining those powerful feelings and visualizations with an actual plan of action to reach your goal-dream.
No amount of action can compensate for a misaligned mind or a negative mindset. For each aspect of your life, almost 50% is influenced by how you think about that subject. The emotions that arise when you stay focused on the subject can be used to determine how you truly feel about it. Modern psychology has long proven that the human brain doesn't distinguish whether something happens in reality or just in our thoughts.
The importance of a healthy mindset

Developing a healthy mindset is a crucial aspect of achieving any goal, as it lays the foundation for a positive and proactive approach to life. A healthy mindset involves having a positive outlook, being resilient, and having a growth mindset.
One of the key ways to develop a healthy mindset is to cultivate a positive outlook. This involves focusing on the positive aspects of your life and being grateful for what you have. You can do this by regularly practicing gratitude, keeping a gratitude journal, and focusing on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.
Another important aspect of a healthy mindset is resilience. Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. To develop resilience, it is important to view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. You can also build resilience by practicing self-care, connecting with others, and seeking support when needed.
A growth mindset is also essential for developing a healthy mindset. This involves a belief that your abilities and skills can be developed through hard work, dedication, and learning. To develop a growth mindset, it is important to embrace challenges, persist in the face of obstacles, and view failures as opportunities to learn and improve.
When your dreams and hopes stay only in your head, you might get inspired to take some actions for some time, but then you are most likely to act more chaotically and without structure. You might start for some time and then you will stop. We all have done that. We will try to pick up different ways, and if we try to reflect, we won't be able to find why it didn't work, as we won't have measurable data. And the reason we do not have measurable data is that we don't have an action plan outlining step by step how we can reach from where we are now to living our goal or dream.
Aligning our dreams with powerful visualizations and turning them into goals with an action plan helps to move from the "Realm of just wishful thinking" to release our full potential into reality.
I will run a simple example of an action plan. In this example, my dream will be to be able to play the guitar well.
Long-term goal -I want to play the guitar fluently in 1 year!
Above is my main goal. This main goal could be broken down into a few sections to help me reach it.
I want to be able to play one song fully in the next 4 months. Above is my short-term goal supporting the long-term goal.
Core daily habits
I commit to investing 30 minutes every day in watching YouTube videos and learning chords and techniques. I commit to practicing what I have learned for 2 sessions of 10 minutes each.
Above are the core daily habits I can do every day to support the long-term and short-term goals.
Micro daily habits
Visualizing playing the guitar fluently. Looking at the chords I have already learned for 60 seconds. Looking at new chords for 60 seconds.
Above are the micro daily habits you can do every day to support your long- and short-term goals and core daily habits, and they don't take more than 60 seconds a day.
Nice non-daily habits
Going for a guitar lesson once a week. Playing for 2 hours once a week.
Above are the nice non-daily habits you can do once a week to support all the above.
As you can probably see and feel, when put this way, playing the guitar seems much more achievable. In order for all the above to be successful, we need to establish if there is anything that could stop you on a daily basis from committing to your core daily habits. Being completely real and honest with yourself about your possible daily obstacles will help establish a healthy, self-disciplined relationship.
For example, the main daily obstacle to not reaching my core daily habit of watching and learning YouTube videos for 30 minutes is overdoing some other area that doesn't leave me time for it. Or put in other words, I must make sure I am sticking to my own timetable as I can overdo things. For someone else, it might be the kids, looking after elderly parents, or overtime at work. Once you establish what could possibly stop you from reaching your core daily habits, you can be more in control.
Let's say you missed one day, there is no reason to beat yourself up for it. But rather, you can do more on some of the other days. You can apply this example to anything you would like to achieve. Leave a comment below and happy achieving!
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Needing more help
Coaching has helped millions of people on the quest for self-discovery to bring out their best selves. Coaching can help bring limiting beliefs to the surface and help individuals reach their full potential. A good coach and coaching can help you work on your thought process and negative patterns, and with the right tools, you can expect your overall well-being to increase.
If you are interested, you can book your coaching session below.